Frequently asked questions
The most common questions we get from our clients
Have no fear 🙂 Lauren is educated & uses high quality products that use organic, natural, paraben free ingredients. They produce golden brown results! That being said, there are a few reasons why a sunless tan could be orange: #1 Applying too much product or going to dark for your skin tones threshold for color #2 Improper match of the skin's undertones. #3 Using products that mess with your pH (Dove) #4- Extra dry skin! Go the extra miles and moisturize your skin 1-2x daily leading up to your appointment (if you feel dry in certain areas, speak up so we can add a barrier cream). #5 Lack of quality DHA ingredient
There are many reasons why spotchiness can happen... It's best to use these practices to avoid. (Lauren's products are not prone to splotchy results but not following instructions could) :
-Exfoliate with an OIL-FREE scrub or use a "tan erase" glove the day prior to your appointment.
-Shave with a FRESH razor & conditioner! Shaving creams have weird chemicals in them. Avoid razors w moisture strips as the tend to strip your tan (Venus). Do not use products that are unnatural. Shave less often as it is a form of exfoliation.
-When I say moisturize everyday, I mean it:) Using lotion to hydrate several days leading up to your appointment & during the life of your tan is very important for smooth fading results. Make it a ritual & know that you are doing healthy things for your skin. Use Lotions based in plant products. NO MINERAL OIL or PETROLEUM! Check your ingredients!
PERFUME, FACE PRODUCTS, SUNSCREEN, DEODORANT, BODY PRODUCTS: Avoid spraying ANY perfume directly on your skin before or during your spray tan. Spritz on your clothes or in the air instead:) Anti-aging acids/lightening products or anything that breaks down skin cells will have more wear & tear.Please skip days leading up and during your spray tan life as the may cause splotchiness and fade. Spray sunscreen typically is alcohol based. Use lotion! Unnatural ingredients in deodorant can leave a faded space in the pit area. Search for more natural. It's better for you long term with or without a spray tan:)
**Please do not EVER use brands Dove, Bath & Body Works, Curel, Victoria Secret, creamy bar soaps...The list goes on. Search for paraben free! NOTHING WITH SULFATE, MINERAL OIL + ALCOHOL Anything at Whole Foods or Sprouts is typically great!
Last but not least, rinse sweat off your body & wear looser gym clothes while sweating during a workout. The sweating while rubbing & leaving sweat on your tan long term COULD lead to uneven fading.
Blending your tan with a wet, soapy washcloth in your shower can really fix a mark from heavy sweating. Try it!
Your spray tan should last 7-10 days with proper care. If you have uneven fading after 7 days it's time to scrub it off. If it's even, you did well taking care of your skin & tan and you should be proud:)
This step is SO important for your skin to get the most out of your spray tan results! Please read Lauren's detailed prep + aftercare page for all the best tips.
It's best to have your prep shower the day before your appointment. 12-24 hrs prior. If in a pinch, please nothing inside of 4hrs prior. It's best to not shave or use products on the skin the day of your appointment. My favorite way to exfoliate is by using a mitt. Even if you don't spray tan very often, investing in a good mitt to exfoliate your skin once a week is very beneficial for beautiful skin. Lauren has mitts for purchase & you can simply text her for doorstep pickup!
Shave with a fresh razor & conditioner in your prep shower & during the life of your tan. If you don't wanna shave, that's ok too. Do not use oily scrubs that linger on your skin. Something mild is best. NO DOVE soap or anything similar. It is likely to inhibit results. If you prep is the day before your appointment, applying a lighter moisturizer to the skin is perfectly ok. After 12hrs. products will be absorbed in your skin. **Do not apply products to your skin the day of your tan.
If you get your nails done the day of your spray tan, simply ask your technician to wet towel off any products or skip that step. In a perfect world, nails should be done 1 or more days prior to your spray tan.
As we do recommend showering, shaving & exfoliation between 4- 24 hours before your appointment, for best result. Our water can change the pH of your skin & leaves a moist residue on your skin which could cause spray tan results to not develop as dark or even... Thank being said, it is not a deal breaker if you need to take a COOLER rinse within the hours leading up to your appointment. We do ask that you DO NOT shave or use any heavy products in said shower. Light lotion is still ok on face & body afterwards. Please make sure your hair is not sopping wet and your body has time to cool down & dry. A cooler shower is recommended to close the pores.
Yes! Despite instructions from past spray tans. I recommend a light lotion on the skin & face to hydrate the skin. Application 4-24 hours in advance is highly recommended. What is NOT recommended is any heavy creams, oils or products prior. Wipes provided for anyone who has any lingering products.
Dry Skin is a no no.
7-9 days with proper care! What does proper care mean? Exfoliating prior to your appointment, taking shorter showers with less scrubbing. Not soaking in saunas or hot tubs/chlorine, not using alcohol, mineral oil, sulfate based products. (NO DOVE!), not wearing sweaty, tight clothing, rinsing off sweat, salt water/chlorine after a dip, moisturizing EVERYDAY with a natural based lotion.
Most Spray Tans fade evenly but after day 7-9, if your spray tan fades unevenly, it's time to exfoliate it off! Uneven fading after a week can happen from dry skin, tight clothing, dull razors or heavy sweating.
Shaving is highly recommended 4-24hrs PRIOR to your spray tan appointment. 1. If hair is coarse. It can sink into the hair follicle if the shave is too fresh. 2. Certain products can leave a residue that will block the tan. 4-24hrs is enough time for the residue to wear off & for the follicle to fill. Shaving during the life of your spray tan is perfectly fine. MAKE SURE YOU USE A FRESH RAZOR & conditioner. A dull razor & chemical creams will strip the tan! Avoid razors w moisture strips & shave less often 🙂
YES! After each shower it is highly recommended to moisturize well to prevent dry skin, which can cause flaking which can cause uneven fading. Do not skimp on hydrating the skin. Use lotion that is more natural. Avoid Mineral oil, petroleum & alcohol on ingredients list.
Prior to tan appointment have all makeup removed. 1. Thicker makeup may block the tan. 2. you will not be able to wash your face for the full set time which could be overnight. 3. no liquid makeup until after 1st rinse. anything powder or mascara/lipstick is fine. but remember you cannot wash for full set time. (See set time instructions for Regular & Rapid)
It is recommended to only do a warm water FULL body & face rinse on your 1st shower! Tan safe soap is the only recommended product to use on your 1st rinse as you do not want any disruptions while your tan continues to develop. Washing only in sweaty, creasy areas & armpits with your TAN-SAFE soap is recommended! We also recommend NOT washing your hair on your rapid rinse off shower. Hair products running down your body is not ideal since your rapid tan is still developing up to 24hrs. That being said, you may shower & wash your hair normally with TAN SAFE products (no scrubbing!) 12+ hrs after application. Please do not use DOVE soap or creamy-like soaps before AND during your spray tan life as this can cause undesired results. Always moisturize!
** Please plan to NOT wash your hair the same day of your appointment
Working out is fine after the 1st rinse. Throughout the life of your spray tan I recommend wearing looser sports clothing as the sweating & rubbing on skin can wear the tan. This is a heads up, not a deal breaker. After sweating, it is always recommended to rinse the sweat off as it sitting on the skin can cause fading in that area (hello boob sweat!) Blend, blend, blend!
Absolutely! Vacation is the best reason for a spray tan:) Sitting in hot, salty, chlorine water CAN have a quicker fade result but not if you just take a dip. It will not completely strip the tan when you get in the water either. The longer you soak the faster it will fade. Rinse in the pool shower after your dip to prevent any lingering salt or chlorine sitting on your skin. Tan extending products that are sold by Lauren help this! This includes wearing a LOTION sunscreen to use as a barrier.
"Whenever in doubt. BLEND it out!"
- Prior to your 1st rinse, if you get wet, sweaty or ANYTHING happens- BLEND IT OUT with a dry soft towel or fabric. The flaw will rinse/buff out in your 1st shower.
- During the life of your tan you can use a wet blending technique in your shower with a washcloth & soap. DO NOT SCRUB, but simply blend out the flawed area.
- Use our fabulous Extender Lotion to help prolong your spray tan & fill in the gaps if you happen to fade unevenly from heavy sweating or dry skin.
Please wait 24hrs after laser sesh to get your spray tan. You will need to make sure that your skin has no burns or peeling. Before your next laser session ALL tan must be removed.
Lotion: Avoid mineral oil, petroleum, sulfates + alcohol denat in your ingredients list. Body wash: sulfate free & paraben free are key for long lasting results! The more natural the better. NO Dove or creamy soaps! Sunscreen: lotion is typically fine. Avoid alcohol in aerosol as this can wipe the tan right off. There are few brands that are safe that Lauren has for sale or you can pick up other safe brands at Whole Foods/Sprouts. Face: avoid exfoliating, anti aging products etc as this will cause early fading.
Testing has been shown that the light mist of a spray tan will not ruin or affect your lashes even if just applied. Hair covers are supplied & should be worn with fresh color, very blond or light colored hair. Any solution that touches the hair will wash out on first washing.
Let's talk about the theory of "transferring" And I'll start by saying that this goes for all spray tans & self tanners.
When sunless tan is applied to your body it typically has immediate color. This is called 'cosmetic bronzer' think of it like makeup. Bronzers rinse off in the 1st 1-3 showers. It is what will transfer if you do not rinse it completely off. If you use the Rapid/Express Tan, your artist may tell to use only water on your 1st rinse. It is important to use your hands to guide all the bronzer off your body until the water turns clear. Next showers should be soapy and will remove anything that is missed. If you miss any bronzer & wear or sleep on white, you may see some residual. *Bronzers wash out in the laundry/w soap & water.
*Lauren now offers a CLEAR solution that has zero bronzers & gives you the most amazing tan outcome! With her other solutions, she is very adamant about using light bronzers as darker ones can be bit messy & transfer.
Let's move on to daysss into your Spray Tan life after all your bronzer is rinsed off... If you take a white washcloth or towel and mix it with moisture and rub hard enough, it will scrub your color off. That being said, when drying off after a shower, pat or air dry...Don't rub! Its best to use darker color sheets & towels just in case.
Wearing white- As explained above, anything involving moisture (including sweat) with lighter material and a harsh scrubbing effect may rub off a little color. By no means is it a dealbreaker! I would avoid white sports/bras since the areas they lie sweat the most (hello underboob sweat!) Brides, Bachelorettes and anyone wearing tight white clothing in a sweaty climate- make sure the body area is dry. Please apply deodorant, baby powder/cornstarch or anything that absorbs moisture.
*Again, any marks will rinse out with soap & water and not seen as a dealbreaker, just information. Brides are Lauren's #1 specialty 🙂 Please message Lauren with any questions!
Massages are pretty wonderful and we would hate for you to miss out! That being said, it is not a deal breaker for you to enjoy a massage while your skin is spray tanned. The oils Therapists use are usually clean , hydrating & tan safe but please double check they are not MINERAL oil 🙂 We do recommend light to medium pressure vs. hard as that MAY move the spray tan around a bit... Still not a deal breaker in my eyes:) For special events with backless outfits, I would hold off till after your event:) PRO-TIP: Hold off to get your massage day 5 or later of your Spray Tan 🙂
Bodies are interesting & hormones/thyroid play a big role in your pH balance. If something feels different hormonally in your body or you recently had body parts (calves) that self tanner did not take to, we have options! Our classic tan is the best choice. Please share with Lauren if you have experience with body parts not taking or anything else that may be happening. She will never judge you as she has experienced these challenges herself:)
Here is the best way to maintain your tan:
Keeping your skin hydrated is so key to having the freshest, longest lasting spray tan. MOISTURIZE! Using products that don't strip the tan is important. Not only for your results but for curing the root cause to dry skin.
Look for the cleanest, natural, organic products. Paraben free, sulfate free/SLS, no MINERAL oil, no petroleum, no alcohol, less or no synthetic fragrance. NO DOVE or creamy/bar soaps! Plant oils are GOOD! Lauren has been an advocate for holistic skincare since being in the biz and loves educating others. Just ask her!
Sweating while wearing tight clothing will always have more wear on your spray tan. Think friction! If you like to sweat it out, make sure to wear looser sports clothes so rubbing does not get your tan. Always rinse off a sweaty body in the shower after a workout. soapy blending any uneven/sweat areas in your shower definitely can save your tan!
Soaking in high chemical pools or hot tubs can cause faster fading & dry skin. Of course vacation is the main reason to get your glow on so try to dip more than soak. Tan extending lotions sold by Lauren are a sure way to keep that tan going strong!
*Your spray tan should last 7-10 days with proper care. The face fades faster due to washing with stronger products. Please avoid acids, toners, retinals or anything stripping days leading up to and during your tan.
Ask Lauren about her favorite touch up products!
- Options:
- Classic Tan: shower in 8+ hours after application.
- Rapid/Express/Clear Tan: shower 2-5 hours after application.
- No moisture on the skin or constricting clothing until 1st shower.
- Results last 7-10 days with proper care.
- Plan to shower, exfoliate & shave if you please 12-24 hours PRIOR to your appointment. DO NOT EXFOLIATE or SHAVE RIGHT BEFORE APPOINTMENT (12-24hrs please) After shower, PLEASE APPLY light lotion (highly recommend) but AVOID heavy creams & oils. AVOID Dove, Olay, Bath & Body Works, Suave and anything similar. Use mor Organic body products!
- Plan to remove deodorant & makeup for best results (Lauren offers wipes to remove if needed).
- **ALL waxing, nails, massage & most beauty services must be done PRIOR to your spray tan day appointment. ‘Polish change’ is ok after but NO soaking or scrubbing.
- Plan to wear or bring dark-colored, loose, long clothing & flip-flops/slippers to wear after. No sports/bra, no jeans or yoga pants, no socks, no strappy shoes.
- If rain is forecast have longer, thick clothing, raincoat & umbrella for after.
- During your session, you may wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Dark colored undergarments are recommended if you choose. Nothing lacy or mesh. Men must wear bottoms.
- Anywhere you have clothing will leave a healthy tan line. I recommend panty line for 1st timers.